CPD Credential Association are not listed on The CPD Register as they offer their own training manuals.
As of June 1st 2024 CPD Credential Association’s website domain has also expired and is no longer active therefore we can assume from this that they are no longer trading.
As of 20th August, they have a voluntary proposal to strike off on their companies house which means they are likely to be closing their business.
The following companies are advertising CPD Accreditation Services but following extensive research and reports from CPD Providers who have used their services, we have listed them as Non-Trading (if your company is listed below and is indeed trading, please contact us so we can update your listing).
Last Updated: 26th November 2024
We do our best to ensure that all information is accurate and up to date. If you are part of the above-mentioned organisation and some
of the information we have found is inaccurate please contact us at [email protected]
so we can rectify this for you.