Overview of CPD Accreditation Services

The CPD Register

CPD Accreditation Service Provider Overview

The CPD Register believes that it is imperative that CPD courses, training materials and training providers are maintaining high standards of education, ensuring a good learning experience for the end user. To achieve this CPD Accreditation Service Providers play an essential role, policing, monitoring and ensuring a high standard of learning is achieved for all whom consume CPD.

The CPD Accreditation Service Providers listed on this page have been put together by The CPD Register, updated every 3 months, to give consumers a fair and honest overview of the various CPD Accreditation Service Providers available. We advise CPD Training Providers to carry out their own due diligence checks when selecting a CPD Accreditation Service Provider.

The CPD Register recognises the below companies as providing a thorough CPD Accreditation Service and is listed in no particular order:

There are many other so-called CPD Accreditation Service Providers which claim to Accredit CPD Training Courses. However, these are not recognised by the CPD Register, click 'Read More' to find out why:

CPD Accreditation Service Provider Criterion

The following criterion has been created by The CPD Register following in-depth research into how CPD Accreditation Service Providers advertise and present their services. We have concluded that the criteria set in this overview are the basis of what we believe constitutes as a 'reputable' and a 'modern' CPD Accreditation Service Provider.

It does not mean that any of the CPD Accreditation Service Providers listed are providing a sub-standard or poor service if they do not meet this set of criteria, as this is for the CPD Consumer to decide, but it does outline what we would expect a reputable and genuine CPD Accreditation Service Provider to have in place or offer to ensure that they are providing a high quality Accreditation Service.

No. of Providers

This is the number of CPD providers which the CPD Accreditation Service Organisation have accredited and which are published by the CPD Accreditation Service Organisation on their website. We check this every month to ensure our figures are accurate. The higher the number of providers is a good indication that the company provides a robust accreditation service and demonstrates it has a good overall reputation and market share.


We would expect a reputable CPD Accreditation Service Organisation to cover all sectors and have expertise and knowledge of all things CPD not just within one specific sector.

Companies House

We recommend that when a CPD Training Provider is choosing a CPD Accreditation Service Organisation, it is registered with Companies House. This provides peace of mind that the company is a genuine company with appointed and responsible Directors, whom are required, by law, to act responsibly and file annual accounts on behalf of the company which you are able to review and check the financial stability of the company. If they are not listed registered on Companies House, this may indicate that the person(s) behind the CPD Accreditation Service Organisation do not wish to be named, have a poor business record, there is a conflict of interest which may bring the credibility of the CPD Accreditation Service Organisation into question or the company is not financially stable.

ICO Registered

As a CPD Accreditation Service Organisation is responsible for collecting data, it is imperative and a legal requirement that they register with the ICO. Any Accreditation Service NOT registered with the ICO is to be avoided or questioned as to why not.

Physical Office / Published Address

We take the view that it is important to have a Physical Office and a Published Address (whether a registered office or trading address) for any CPD Accreditation Service Organisation. This view is formed and based upon the recent Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act, which has been created by UK Government, to help tackle economic crime and drive confidence in the UK economy. We have implemented the same guidance for CPD Accreditation Service Providers and included this in our CPD Accreditation Service Providers Criteria. This applies for both legally Registered Companies and None Registered Companies.

Please read further information about the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act HERE

Being able to physically visit a CPD Accreditation Service Organisations office and meet the people and team behind the company is something we feel is important. We are seeing more frequently CPD Accreditation Services being setup but with no physical office or address and if something goes wrong or the service is not delivered, it is difficult to pursue these types of organisations if legal action is necessary.


It is important to have a clear and non-complicated website. When reviewing a CPD Accreditation Service Organisations website, ask yourself if it gives you the information that you are looking for easily and quickly without having to navigate several pages or find it difficult to get the information you are looking for.

Telephone Number

We feel it is important to be able to speak with the CPD Accreditation Service Organisation directly. If the company does not have a main telephone number or support line, it may indicate that the company is only a small organisation or ran by a single person who is not always available to speak with. A reputable CPD Accreditation Service Organisation will have a Sales Department, Marketing Department, Assessment Department, Finance Department and Management Team whom we would expect to be available to speak with by telephone.


Most CPD Accreditation Service Organisations will have an email contact. We would expect an email response from a proactive and credible CPD Accreditation Service Organisation within 24hrs (48 allowing for weekends and public holidays). If you do not receive a response from an email you have sent, this again generally implies that the CPD Accreditation Service Organisation is only a small organisation or ran by a single person who is not always available to respond to your email enquiry.

Live Chat

Nowadays, most reputable and customer focused businesses have a live chat function where you can speak with a real person in real-time direct from their website. These live chats are generally available during office hours where you can speak with an individual from the CPD Accreditation Service Organisation and ask questions directly. If the CPD Accreditation Service Organisation does not have a live chat function, this may indicate that organisation does not have the staffing levels or technical knowhow.

Price Publishing

We feel it is essential for a CPD Accreditation Service Organisation to publish its pricing to allow for a fair assessment and evaluation when looking for CPD Accreditation Services. Quite often an organisation requests you contact them via email or phone call first in order to get a quote, which can sometimes be a tactic to obtain your contact details in order to re-market to you on a regular basis. We feel pricing should be available and visible without having to give away your contact details.

Terms and Conditions Accessible and Visible

Terms and conditions (T&Cs) form an important part of many business transactions, providing a legal framework governing the rights and obligations of the parties. They help ensure transparency and certainty and reduce the risk of disputes between the parties involved. Any CPD Accreditation Service Providers that do not publish or have any Terms and Conditions visible on their site caution should be given before entering into any contract with these companies. We advise that you request a copy of their terms and conditions before engaging in their Accreditation Services.

Accreditation Criteria Published

This is very important as this outlines what the CPD Accreditation Service Organisation looks for when accrediting Training Providers and their training activities. Quite often the phrase ‘Internationally recognised CPD Standards’ are used to describe what a CPD Accreditation Service Organisation assesses… please ask what their CPD Standards are in detail and full. Most reputable CPD Accreditation Service Organisations will work from a framework or assessment criteria which outlines they key elements which they assess and look for to ensure CPD is of good quality. If this is not available or freely made available by the CPD Accreditation Service Organisation, then caution is advised as you will not know what your CPD materials are being measured against.

Review Frequency

We feel that CPD Accreditation Service Organisations should regularly review the CPD materials and Organisations they Accredit and Approve on a regular basis. This ensures that standards remain high for the end user and that CPD materials are up-to-date, relevant and therefore ensures a thorough and high learning experience for them. Some CPD Accreditation Service Organisations review materials once, in the first year, then, as long as the CPD Provider is paying an annual fee, they can continue to state that the CPD materials are accredited for multiple years, without ever having the CPD materials being reviewed again. We feel CPD materials should be reviewed every 3 years at a minimum.

Activities Individually Reviewed

This is an important part of CPD Accreditation. We believe that each and every course/ activity must be assessed and reviewed as a stand alone CPD activity. Each Course/ Activity should be throughly checked and reviewed against the CPD Accreditation Service Organisations Accreditation Criteria (if in place, see above). This is something we would recommend all CPD Accreditation Service Organisations to do, in order to ensure high quality accreditation. Unfortunately many CPD Accreditation Service Organisations only assess a sample or small number of a CPD Training Providers CPD Materials, this is called ‘blanket accreditation’ and is bad practice as this demonstrates that a CPD Accreditation Service Organisation will accredit and put their name to CPD courses/ materials they have never physically reviewed. Always ensure and check that the CPD Accreditation Service Organisation review all CPD Training Materials and Activities thoroughly.

Individual Activities Verifiable on The CPD Register

Following on from the review process CPD Accreditation Service Organisations should issue a unique Accreditation Number for every CPD Course/ Activity they have reviewed and accredited. This is important so as the end user can then verify that the CPD training course or Activity they have purchased is in date, of high quality and been fully reviewed by a reputable CPD Accreditation Service Organisation. This essentially gives the end user peace of mind that CPD materials are of a high standard. Not all CPD Accreditation Service Organisations issue a unique accreditation number for courses/ activities but issue one single accreditation number which covers everything. This is not recommended and we urge CPD Accreditation Service Organisations to issue a separate number for each CPD Course/ Activity and a separate accreditation number for the CPD Provider themselves, thus allowing the visitor to determine whether a CPD Provider has any courses/ activities accredited or not.

We constantly review CPD Accreditation Service Providers and update our rankings every 3 months to ensure that we are providing the most up-to-date information and guidance.

If you are a CPD Accreditation Service Provider or have been accredited by a CPD Accreditation Service Provider not listed by The CPD Register, please let us know at the following email address so we can carry out a thorough and impartial evaluation: [email protected]

If your CPD Accreditation Service Provider is listed above and you feel any of the information is incorrect or out of date, we are happy to update our records so please get in touch.

Each quarter, we list the CPD Accreditation Service providers, in the main table, by numerical order, based upon the number of recommendations visible on the day we publish the updates.

Recommendations are unique and recorded by the visitors to the page, who choose to make a recommendation. They are impartial and not controlled by The CPD Register. Visitors can only recommend each CPD Accreditation Service Provider once, which therefore does not allow the number of recommendations to be manipulated.

Last Updated: 3rd December 2024

The CPD Register Logo in white. CPD Accreditation, CPD Certification, Accredited by CPD, Continuing Professional Development