CPD Endorsed are linked to the Training Providers “Britannia School of Academics,” “Britannia Training Centre,” “Britannia School of Health Care,” “Britannia School of Aesthetics” and “Britannia School of Leadership.”
CPD Endorsed are not listed on our rankings as their affiliation to several training providers in different industries could be a conflict of interest to those that submit courses for accreditation. This accreditation service provider may also be accrediting their own learning materials.
We believe this is a conflict of interest and does not demonstrate impartiality. Secondly it brings into question what a training provider will do with another CPD Training Providers training materials during the accreditation process. We feel that this is a risk to the intellectual property of the submitting CPD Training Provider and caution should be given.
Last Updated: 26th November 2024
We do our best to ensure that all information is accurate and up to date. If you are part of the above-mentioned organisation and some
of the information we have found is inaccurate please contact us at [email protected]
so we can rectify this for you.