CPD Quality LTD’s accounts have been filed as a dormant on Companies House. Because of this, we can assume that they are a non-trading company.
To further back this up, we have contacted this organisation on several occasions and have not received any response, hence why this company is listed as non-trading.
CPD Quality Certification is also linked with the training provider Academy of Skills, we believe this is a conflict of interest. As Academy of Skills have their CPD Accreditations through CPD Quality Certification, we see this as “marking their own homework” and find this a conflict.
The following companies are advertising CPD Accreditation Services but following extensive research and reports from CPD Providers who have used their services, we have listed them as Non-Trading (if your company is listed below and is indeed trading, please contact us so we can update your listing).
We believe this is a conflict of interest and does not demonstrate impartiality. Secondly it brings into question what a training provider will do with another CPD Training Providers training materials during the accreditation process. We feel that this is a risk to the intellectual property of the submitting CPD Training Provider and caution should be given.
Last Updated: 26th November 2024
We do our best to ensure that all information is accurate and up to date. If you are part of the above-mentioned organisation and some
of the information we have found is inaccurate please contact us at [email protected] so we can rectify this for you.