The CPD Qualification Group Limited T/A The CPD Accreditation Office - CPD Accreditation Service

The CPD Qualification Group Limited T/A The CPD Accreditation Office - CPD Accreditation Service

Explanation as to why this organisation does not have a ranking:

The CPD Accreditation Office LTD's accounts have been filed as a dormant on Companies House. Because of this, we can assume that they are a nontrading company.

To further back this up, we have contacted this organisation on several occasions and have not received any response, hence why this company is listed as non-trading.

Important Information:

This organisation is advertising courses with the below wording in the course title:

  • Qualification
  • Diploma
  • Award
  • Level

Following further research into this organisation and contact with them, we advise all CPD Consumers, before they purchase or enrol on a course provided by this organisation, that they seek clarification from them that the course they are advertising, is indeed a Regulated Qualification.

For this to be a fully regulated Qualification, with academic credits, the organisation should be able to provide you with the following information:

  • Qualification Title
  • Qualification Number
  • Awarding Organisation Name they are approved by to deliver this Qualification

If the organisation is unable to provide this information, you can assume that the course is being incorrectly advertised and is a CPD Course and NOT a ‘Qualification’.

Further Information about this organisation

Last Updated: 1st September 2024
We do our best to ensure that all information is accurate and up to date. If you are part of the above-mentioned organisation and some of the information we have found is inaccurate please contact us at [email protected] so we can rectify this for you.

The CPD Register Logo in white. CPD Accreditation, CPD Certification, Accredited by CPD, Continuing Professional Development